The Danish waste policy continues the effort to reduce environmental impact and climate effects from waste. At the same time the policy has a specific focus on resource use.
Electronical waste (WEEE) and batteries (BAT)
Find more information about the Danish implementation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) and the directive on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries (BAT).
Read moreShipments of waste
Transboundary movement of waste is regulated in Regulation 1013/2006 on shipment of waste. Under these rules waste can either be shipped as greenlisted waste or the waste has to be notified.
Read moreShipment of used electronics
Find guidance documents to the rules on shipments of used electronics and guidelines for test of functionality and proper packaging before shipment.
Read morePort Waste Reception Facilities in Danish Ports
The list of reception facilities for waste in Danish ports is now part of a greater HELCOM system, that includes ports from other Baltic countries. This part of the Danish EPA’s homepage has thus been transferred to HELCOM’s homepage on the following address:
Waste Statistics
The statistics give a detailed description of the quantity of waste generated in Denmark broken down on waste types and treatment options.
Read more about waste statistics on our Danish website