Global Cooperation
Sharing its national experiences internationally is in the DNA of Danish EPA. In many different forms, the Danish EPA have been involved in international cooperation to assist on capacity building, promoting frameworks for investments and general promotion of sustainable development.
The Danish EPA is today involved in bilateral peer-to-peer cooperation with a number of countries, seeking to improve the framework conditions for furthering sustainable development through capacity building, bilateral cooperation and Danish clean-tech solutions.
Most of the cooperation is funded by the Danish development assistance, under the Danida scheme for Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC), focusing on developing countries and growth economies.
9 cooperation projects in 8 countries in Africa and Asia, focusing on either water or circular economy, are building on the experiences and competences of the Danish EPA as well as contributions from public utilities, agencies and universities. The main impact of the Danish EPAs engagement is capacity building with partner institutions, paving the way for regulation and governance to solve current environmental challenges.
Focusing on Europe and North America, the peer-to-peer cooperation of the Danish EPA is connected to the commercial export promotion of the Danish Trade Council, showcasing options for regulation and governance that have proven successful in Denmark, and have fostered a number of front-runner clean-tech companies and solutions.