The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's work with promotion export

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency contributes to strengthening the export of Danish environmental technology solutions. 50 years of active environmental protection policy in Denmark have fostered a long line of excellences within Danish environmental solution companies. The solutions contribute to solving environmental challenges globally. At the same time, export can help secure further growth and employment in Denmark.

In Europe and internationally, there is an increasing political awareness of pollution control and green transition. The global market for environmental technology is growing and is driven by the desire to take advantage of the latest technological opportunities. Denmark is at the forefront in a number of areas, because of early and ambitious regulation and targeted innovation of new technology.

International coorporation and export promotion

The Danish experiences are used to support the promotion of Danish clean-tech companiesbusiness community. An example is by connecting with political peers in selected countries. There is a demand for Danish regulatory experiences and competencies in a number of key subject areas within the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's responsibility and legacy. The Danish EPA works with targeted public-private initiatives having a special focus on areas where Danish companies and knowledge institutions have special competences of relevance to the cooperating country.

The Danish EPA enter into government collaborations in selected markets and selected topics, where there are special market opportunities and relevance for Danish environmental solutions. In close collaboration with the Trade Council under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Danish EPA works with other countries' environmental administrations on new regulation and governance and cooperate with Danish companies on showcasing technologies coupled to the regulation.. At the same time opportunities to bring back other countries' experiences and competencies are essential to the Danish EPA.


The volumes of export of Danish clean-tech solutions are closely monitored through data from Eurostat on import/exports of certain product groups.