Case processing times

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's case processing times commence upon receipt of all the necessary information from the private individual/company/authority.

For cases with fixed application deadlines, the recommended case processing time commences upon expiry of the application deadline.

The processing times given below indicate the maximum timeframe within which most cases will be processed. In cases where the Danish Environmental Protection Agency is unable to meet the target case processing time, the private individual/company/authority will be informed of this and given an indication of the anticipated date for completion of processing.

All cases will of course be processed as quickly as possible. This means that many cases will be processed before the end of the specified processing time.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s various types of administrative cases are not comparable. Consequently, the target times for processing vary from one type of case to another.

Authorisation of biocides in accordance with the Biocidal Products Directive (the active substance is included in Annex I)


Verification of completeness of an application for authorisation

3 months

Authorisation of a biocidal product (both new and already marketed in DK)

12 months

Verification of completeness of an application for mutual recognition

15 days

Mutual recognition

120 days

Mutual recognition of a low-risk product

60 days

Registration of a low-risk product

60 days

Authorisation of a product within a frame-formulation

60 days

Authorisation of biocides in accordance with existing national regulations under the transitional arrangements


Application for authorisation of products containing active substances which are new to Denmark

1½-2 years

Renewal of an authorisation

1 year

Application for authorisation of new products containing active substances which have already been approved ("me-too products")

Up to 1½ years, depending on complexity and the need for external consultation

Application for extended use, changes to formulation

Up to 1½ years, depending on complexity and the need for external consultation

Authorisation of parallel products

3-6 months

Private testing

3 months