Emergency Plan for Transportation

If there is a particular danger to the external environment in the transport of genetically modified organisms, the sender must prepare an emergency plan before beginning the transport.

The requirements which the emergency plan has to comply to can be found in the executive order on transport and notification of marketing of genetically modified organisms approved for marketing in another country within the EU (In Danish). The application must meet the requirements in the executive order and the transport is always to comply with the ADR. The below description is meant as a guide.

The emergency plan shall include information on measures to mitigate the effects on the environment, nature and health in the event of an accident, including guidelines for sampling. The plan must be updated at regular intervals. The sender must send a copy of the emergency plan to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency before a transport is started and after each update.

Prior to beginning a transport, the EPA shall ensure that bodies and authorities which may be affected by accident are appropriately and promptly informed of the emergency plans, including the relevant safety measures.

Publication of the Emergency Plans

The EPA is obliged to make emergency plans available to the public on the Agency's website. The EPA has no current information on the transport of particularly hazardous GMOs.