Transport that does not require a permit

If the transport of the GMOs complies with a number of demands, it can be legally transported without a permit. The transportation of GMOs must always comply with the ADR.

Transport without a permit is legal if it comply with the following conditions:

  1. Laboratories and large-scale facilities, which are classified to work with GMOs by The Working Environment Authority, are allowed to transport GMOs at the classified area.
  2. A production facility that are approved for work with GMOs by the EPA are allowed to transport the reported and approved GMOs for production only inside the facility.

In the case of transport outside classified areas, the transport may only be carried out without prior approval if the following requirements are met:

a. An assessment must be made of the environmental-, nature- and health risks of the transport. The risk assessment should result in a classification of the transport.

b. Each packing unit must be labelled in both Danish or English so that it clearly states that it contains GMOs. The nature of the organism, its classification and the name and address of both the sender and the receiver. All the information must be clearly visible on the packaging.

c. If the microorganisms to be transported are classified either as an activity in class 1 or class 2 the container must be closed, airtight, break-proof and able to resist pressure and impacts etc. to prevent the contents from penetrating.

Class 3 activities

Transportation of microorganisms classified as a class 3 activity must apply both an inner and outer container. The containers must satisfy the following conditions:

a. Both the inner and outer container must be fluid tight.

b. Liquid-absorbing material is placed between the inner and outer containers, which can absorb as much liquid as there is in the inner container.

c. If several inner containers are placed in the same outer container they must be individually wrapped in shock- and liquid absorption material.

d. The outer container must be closed, airtight, break-proof and able to resist impacts etc. to prevent the contents from penetrating.

Genetically Modified Plants and Plant Parts

The following precautions have to be made to ensure safe transport of genetic modified plants and plant parts.

a. The packaging must be airtight and closed.

b. The packaging must be able to resist pressure and impacts to avoid the contents from penetrating.

c. For reproducing genetically modified plants and plant parts and genetically modified seeds and pollen both an inner and outer packaging must be applied.

Genetically Modified Animals

The following precautions have to be made to ensure safe transport of genetically modified animals.

a. The packaging must be a cage or a container which ensures that the animal cannot escape.

b. The cage or container must be break-proof.

Prevention of an Accidental Release

If the transport includes microorganisms that are part of class 2 and class 3 activities, reproducing genetically modified plants or parts of plants, genetically modified seeds and pollen, or genetically modified animals, an instruction in Danish or English must be provided on accidental procedures.

The demands are specified in details in the executive order on transport and notification of marketing of genetically modified organisms approved for marketing in another country within the EU (In Danish).

The above information should be used as a help to write your application for transport of GMO. The application must meet the requirements in the executive order and the transport is always to comply with the ADR. For more information look at regulation.