Grants for Alternative Pesticides

As an initiative within the Danish Plant Protection Products Strategy 2022-2026, the Danish Government has set aside a total of DKK 1.0 mill. for 2024 to assist applicants seeking authorisation for placing on the market of their alternative plant protection products in Denmark. The goal is to increase the number of alternatives to synthetic plant protection products on the Danish marked. In addition, projects on developing applications for approval of basic substances for plant protection purposes, or reimbursements of application fees to Denmark for alternative plant protection products may be granted.

Who can apply? 

Persons or companies wishing to obtain authorisation for an alternative plant protection product, develop an application for approval of a basic substance, or seeking reimbursement for an application fee already paid to get an authorisation of an alternative plant protection product in Denmark can apply for a grant. Grants for alternative products may be awarded for up to 60% of eligible costs. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as defined by the EC definition of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, grants may be awarded for up to 80% of eligible costs. See a guide to the EC definition. Grants for basic substances may be awarded for up to 100 % of eligible costs, and reimbursements for low risk products may be awarded for up to 50 % of the paid fee.

What types of projects will be considered?

A grant may be awarded to projects that have one or more of the following as their main goals:

  • Furnishing required data (e.g., MRL studies or efficacy trials in the North Zone of EU) either at the applicant’s or at external trial operations.
  • Acquisition of protected data.
  • Supervision of less experienced applicants, including expenses for external consultants.
  • Promotion of initiatives related to submission of applications for authorisation of an alternative plant protection product.
  • Development of an application to have a basic substance approved according to Art. 23 of regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009.
  • Reimbursement of registration fees for low risk substances or microbiological control products.

How are applications evaluated

Of particular importance are whether the application

  • has potential for health or environmental improvements compared to existing plant protection products on the Danish market that are used for example in agriculture or on recreational areas,
  • has technological innovative value, or
  • is expected to increase the acreage of organic farming in Denmark.

How and when do you apply?

Deadline for receipt of applications is 13 September 2024.
Applications are to be submitted by email to

Applications should be made using the relevant application form.

Applications on new alternative products on the Danish market must be submitted on an application form which you can find here (.doc). 
Guidance on how to complete the application form on new alternative products can be found here (.pdf).

Applications on basis substances relevant to the Danish marked must be submitted on an application form which you can find here (.doc).
Guidance on how to complete the application form on basic substances can be found here (.pdf).

Applications for reimbursement of registration fees to Denmark must be submitted on an application form which you can find here (.doc).
Guidance on how to complete the application form on reimbursement of registration fee can be found here (.pdf).

The standard conditions for qualifying for grants for projects can be found here.
The Danish Executive Order on grants can be downloaded here (in Danish).
Policy and conditions for data protection can be found here.