Evaluation framework

The Environmental Protection Agency's principles for evaluating the effects of pesticides on health and environment are outlined in the Framework for the Assessment of Plant Protection Products.

The Danish Framework for the Assessment of Plant Protection Products outlines the specific data requirements and assessment principles required to address nation specific national requirements for Denmark.

In the latest version of the Framework (version 1.7, July 2019) the main changes are:
- Clarification of human toxicological evaluation of groundwater metabolites to include persistent metabolites.
- Update of requirements for PPP for non-professionals use to exclude most concentrated products.
- Further specifications on requirements to alternatives to vertebrate studies as well as potential endocrine disrupting products for indoor use.
- Update of the persistency assessment, and clarification of how to perform groundwater modelling and assess the risk of leaching to groundwater.
- Guidance Note on Higher Tier Birds & Mammals Risk Assessment in Denmark.

Newest version:

This version was to be applied from November 2019

Previous versions:

Framework_assessment_pesticides_version_1 6_May_ 2018.pdf
This version was to be applied from May 2018.

Framework assessment pesticides version 1-5 of May 2017
This version was to be applied from May 2017.

Framework assessment pesticides, 2016
This version was to be applied from May 2016.

Framework assessment pesticides, 2014
This version was to be applied from January 2015.

Framework assessment of pesticides, 2013
This version was to be applied from August 2013.

Environmental risk assessment of plant protection products used in open greenhouses

A supplementary framework for assessment of products used in open greenhouses is available here:

Supplementary evaluation framework 1.2 October 2024

See Gartnerivejledningen (in Danish) for further explanation on open and closed greenhouses.

Risk assessment of microbial plant protection protection products

31st of August 2022 new implementing Regulations were adopted which provide updated data-requirements and approval criteria for microbial PPP. The requirements and criteria were updated to reflect the development of scientific insight and experience gained with the evaluation of PPP containing micro-organisms. Explanatory notes aims to provide an interpretation to the four new implementing Regulations.

Risk assessment for workers in fields and greenhouses

A spreadsheet has been developed for the assessment of re-entry interval for workers in fields and greenhouses. Re-entry is the time required before it is safe for the worker to work with the crop.

Risk assessment for birds, mammals and plant protection products

The risk assessment of pesticides with regard to birds and mammals is based on the EU guidance documents.

Sometimes there may be a need to perform a 'higher tier' risk assessment for particular Nordic conditions. To this end, a guidance document has been prepared describing the birds and mammals of relevance in the Nordic Zone and presenting scenarios for a series of use areas. The guidance document has been revised in 2020. The document is linked to a spreadsheet to be used in connection with the scenarios. Please note that the guidance and spreadsheet are updated from time to time.

The guidance development was supported by funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Download the latest version here:

Revised higher tier risk assessment for birds and mammals from December 2020 (v. 2.1)

Spreadsheet for bird mammal GD from 2020 (v. 20.1) 

Please note that further guidance on refinements only relevant for Denmark are given in the Danish Framework mentioned above.

Previous guidance and spreadsheets

Higher tier risk assessment for birds and mammals from April 2020

Higher tier risk assessment for birds and mammals from 2018

Spreadsheet for Bird mammals from 2017

Higher tier risk assessment for birds and mammals from 2017

Higher tier risk assessment for birds and mammals, May 2016

Spreadsheet for Birds and Mammals from May 2016.

Higher tier risk assessment for birds and mammals, May 2015.

Spreadsheet for Birds and Mammals from January 2015.

Guidance on Birds and Mammals from April 2014.

Guidance on risk assessment for birds and mammals, April 2013.

Spreadsheet birds and mammals, April 2013.

Aquatic MixTox tool

The below link directs you to a tool for the calculation of Aquatic Mixture Toxicity for the environmental risk assessment of plant protection products containing a combination of active substances, as addressed in section 10.3 of the Guidance on tiered risk assessment for edge-of-field surface waters (EFSA Journal 013;11(7):3290). You will find instructions on use of the tool in the introduction of the tool (excel spreadsheet) and in remarks to each sheet. In addition you will find a live document with FAQ related to MixTox calculations.

Relevant links:

MixTox tool


Bird and mammals mix-tox tool

The below link directs you to a tool for the calculation of the mixture toxicity for birds and mammals following the recommendations in the Guidance document on work-sharing in the Northern zone - version 10.0 - June 2021. You will find instructions on use of the tool in the introduction of the tool (excel spreadsheet). 

B&M mix-tox tool