The Environmental Protection Agency's procedures relating to classification changed on 14 June 2011. This means that in future the company is responsible for the classification of a plant protection product for which an application for authorisation is submitted(both new and existing products).
You can opt to use the classification rules in the Dangerous Preparation Directive or the new CLP (classification, labelling and packaging) rules in the Classification Regulation.
Plant protection products that have been classified, labelled and packaged according to the Dangerous Preparation Directive and the Plant Protection Product Directive, can be placed on the market up to 1 June 2015, after which all products must be classified and labelled according to the Classification Regulation and the Pesticide Regulation.
Label instructions, english version
All links are to the EU Commission website:
Pesticide Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
Classification Regulation (CLP) No 1272/2008
Dangerous Preparation Directive 1999/45
Labelling Regulation No 547/2011