Fact-sheet: Surface-treatment products for private use

There are rules for which types of surface treatment products are allowed to be sold to private individuals. Surface treatment products include a wide range of products, such as paints, varnishes, oils, waxes, paint removers and similar products in ready-to-use mixtures for surface treatment.

For surface treatment products for commercial use, the importer, manufacturer or dealer must set a code number, also called a MAL code.

The products must be marked with the code number, which consists of two numbers connected by a hyphen.

The number before the hyphen indicates the safety measures that must be taken against inhaling vapors, which originate from the product's content of volatile substances, including organic solvents. The number divides the products into the following seven groups: 00-, 0-, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-. The larger the number, the greater the need for ventilation and use of respiratory protection.

The number after the hyphen in the code number indicates the safety measures that must be taken, among other things, when there is a risk that the skin and eyes will come into direct contact with the product.

Private individuals may only use products labelled 2- or less for indoor surface treatment

"It is allowed to import, sell and use chemical substances and products, if the code number before the hyphen is 3, if they are used exclusively by private individuals to surface treat in wet rooms and floors.

When sold to private individuals, chemical substances and products, if the code number before the hyphen is 3, must be labeled with the text: "May only be used indoors on walls in wet rooms and floors". The text must be easy to read and cannot be erased.

Labeling of products with code number 4- and 5- 

Labeling of products with code number 4- and 5- When sold to private individuals, chemical substances and products, if the code number before the hyphen is 4 or 5, must be labelled with the text: "May not be used on indoor walls, ceilings and floors". The text must be easy to read and cannot be erased.

The aim of the rules are protecting private individuals from vapours from paint etc.

The rule is made to prevent people from being injured by inhaling vapors from products when treating indoor surfaces.

Importers, distributers and users are responsible

Anyone who imports, sells or uses one or more of the products mentioned is responsible for compliance with the rules according to the provisions of the Statutory Order.


The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's chemical inspectors monitor compliance with the regulations and will ensure that illegal situations are brought into compliance. This may involve withdrawing the product from the Danish market, or making the product legal in some other way. Anyone who breaches the regulations may additionally face a fine or a prison sentence of up to two years.

More information 

The entire text of the regulations is available (in Danish) on the Retsinfo website. Miljøministeriets bekendtgørelse nr. 830 af 30. oktober 1999 om mærkning og begrænsning af import, salg og anvendelse af overfladebehandlingsprodukter .


Further information about code numbers and work on code numbered products can be found in the statutory orders from the National Working Environment Authority:

No. 301 of 13 May 1993 on fixing of code numbers (at retsinfo.dk, in Danish).

No. 302 of 13 May 1993 on work with code numbered products (at retsinfo.dk, in Danish).