Fact-sheet: Pentachlorophenol (PCP)

There is a ban on the import or sale of products containing short-chain chlorinated paraffins where these products are used for metalworking or greasing leather.

This fact sheet explains the most important points in the Ministry of Environment and Energy Statutory Order on limiting the sale and use of pentachlorophenol (PCP). Please note that only the rules in the Statutory Order apply, this fact sheet is merely a guide.

What is the scope of the legislation?

The legislation covers:

  • Pentachlorphenol, CAS-nr. 87-86-5 and salts and esters hereof, as well as in mixtures and articles

Chlorophenols have been used, among other things, as bactericidal agents in cutting, cooling, and grinding fluids. Pentachlorophenol has been used, among other things, in wood preservatives

What is the purpose of the legislation?

The legislation has been designed to prevent humans being harmed from contact with products containing or treated with chlorinated phenols or salts and esters hereof.

Chlorinated phenols can pollute with extremely toxic dioxins and dibenzofuranes.

Pentachlorophenol is very toxic, locally irritant, dangerous to the environment and a suspected carcinogen.

What does the legislation say?

It is prohibited to manufacture, market or use pentachlorophenol or its salts and esters

Are there exceptions from the legislation?

There are basically 2 exceptions to the above prohibition:

1. The ban does not apply to substances used for research at the laboratory level or as a reference standard.

2. The ban does not apply to substances present as unintentional trace contamination, in substances mixtures and articles, provided the concentration constitutes 5 mg/kg (0.0005 weight percent) or less.

Who is responsible?

Anyone importing, selling, exporting or using chlorinated phenols or salts and esters hereof or goods treated with these chemicals is responsible for ensuring that the rules are complied with as they appear in the Statutory Order.

The Danish EPA Chemical Inspection Service supervises the implementation of the legislation and is authorised to issue injunctions and bans. If the legislation is violated, this may lead to a fine or up to one years' imprisonment.