Fact-sheet: PAHs in extender oils for tyres

Der er fastsat grænser for hvor meget PAH, der må være i olie, der bruges til fremstilling af dæk og slidbaner til dæk. Samtidig må dæk og slidbaner ikke være fremstillet med olie med for højt PAH indhold.

Effective from 1 January 2010, there is a ban on the import, sale and use of extender oils for tyres and treads if such oils contain more than:

  • 1 mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene
  • 10 mg/kg of the PAHs listed below in total

There is also a ban on the import or sale of tyres and treads produced using oils which exceed the limits.
The regulations apply to 8 types of PAH:

  • Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP); CAS no. 50-32-8
  • Benzo[e]pyrene (BeP); CAS no. 192-97-2
  • Benzo[a]anthracene (BaA); CAS no. 56-55-3
  • Chrysene (CHR); CAS no. 218-01-9
  • Benzo(b)fluoroanthene (BbFA); CAS no. 205-99-2
  • Benzo(j)fluoroanthene (BjFA); CAS no. 205-82-3
  • Benzo(k)fluoroanthene (BkFA); CAS no. 207-08-9
  • Dibenzo(a, h)anthracene (DBAhA); CAS no. 53-70-3

There are no exemptions from the regulations.

Inspections every six months

The producer or importer must check that the limits are being complied with at least once every six months. Inspection is also required when any major changes are made to operations.

The limits are being complied with if a test based on the IP 346:1998 standard method shows that the level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the extender oil is less than 3 per cent of the mass.

For finished tyres and treads, the limits are being complied with if a test based on ISO standard 21461 shows they do not exceed a limit of 0.35 Bay protons.

The regulations aim to protect human health

The use of certain PAHs in extender oils in tyres must be limited to protect human health and the environment. These substances can cause cancer, hereditary genetic damage and foetal damage.

Importers, distributors and users are responsible

Anyone who imports, sells or uses extender oils for tyres, or imports or distributes tyres or treads for retreading purposes is responsible for ensuring compliance with the PAH limits.


The Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical inspectors monitor compliance with the regulations and will ensure that illegal situations are brought into compliance. This may involve withdrawing the product from the Danish market, or making the product legal in some other way. Anyone who breaches the regulations may additionally face a fine or prison sentence of up to two years.

More information

The EU's rules regarding PAH in softening oils for tires are described in Annex XVII, No. 50 in the EU's chemical legislation REACH (Regulation EC No. 1907/2006) (EUR-LEX)