Fact-sheet: Pacifiers and bottle teats

The sale of pacifiers and bottle teats that release more than 10 micrograms of N-nitrosamines or more than 100 micrograms of nitrosatable substances per kilogram of rubber or silicone is prohibited

Regulations aimed at protecting infants

The regulations are intended to prevent infants from being exposed to dangerous substances when using a pacifier or teat. Rubber and silicone can form nitrosamines or nitrosatable substances upon contact with saliva. Most of these substances can be carcinogenic.

Labelling and packaging

The producer, importer or distributor must provide the following information on the pacifier or teat packaging:

  • the name and address or registered trademark of the manufacturer or enterprise,
  • the batch number or similar reference, and
  • the sale name of the pacifier or bottle teat.

This information must be printed with clear, legible and indelible print.
Producers and importers are responsible

Producers and importers are responsible

Anyone who produces or imports pacifiers or bottle teats for infants is responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations, as set out in the statutory order.


"The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's Chemical Inspection ensures that the rules are complied with and must ensure that illegal conditions are legalized. This may mean that the product has to be withdrawn from the Danish market, or that the product must be made legal in another way. If the rules are violated, you can also risk a fine.

More information

The entire text of the statutory order is available (in Danish) on the Retsinfo website:
Ministry of the Environment Statutory Order no. 5 of 5 January 2016 on pacifiers and bottle teats