Fact-sheet: Lamp Oils and Lighter Fluids

Lamp oils and Lighter Fluids may not contain colour or perfume

For lamp oils and lighter fluids intended for private use, which can be dangerous if inhaled and therefore are classified and labeled for aspiration hazard with the hazard statement H304: "May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways", the following applies:

  • They must not be marketed if they contain color and/or perfume.

  • From December 1, 2010, they must be packaged in black opaque containers of no more than 1 liter.


The ban on colouring does not apply if the colouring is necessary for tax reasons."

Requirements for labeling of lamp oils and lighter fluids

The packaging for lamp oils must be labeled with the text: "Keep lamps containing this liquid out of the reach of children". From December 1, 2010, the packaging must also be labeled with the text: "Ingesting even a small amount of lamp oil - or even just sucking on the wick - can cause life-threatening lung damage".

The packaging for lighter fluid must, from December 1, 2010, be marked with the text: "Ingesting even a small amount of lighter fluid can cause life-threatening lung damage".

For both lamp oil and lighter fluid, the text on the packaging must be visible, easy to read and cannot be erased.

Lamp oils and lighter fluids may damage children’s lungs

The rule is designed to prevent children from getting lung damage by drinking lamp oils or lighter fluids, which due to their color or smell can be tempting. If you ingest/drink such liquids, some drops easily get into the lungs, where they can cause serious damage.

Decorative oil lamps intended for private use must comply with the standard EN 14059

Among other things, to prevent children from coming into contact with lamp oils, decorative oil lamps sold to private consumers must meet the requirements of the European standard EN 14059.

Oil lamps may not be marketed unless they meet all the requirements of the standard. There are, among other things, requirements that small children must not be able to access the wick, filling openings must be equipped with an opening mechanism with two independent movements in order to open, and the lamp must not leak oil when turned around.

The supplier is responsible

Any supplier who markets lamp oils or lighter fluids labeled with R65 or H304 for supply for private use, is responsible for ensuring that the rules are complied with. Suppliers include manufacturers, importers, downstream users and distributors.


The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's chemical inspectors monitor compliance with the rules, and ensure that illegal situations are brought into compliance. This may involve withdrawing the product from the Danish market, or making the product legal in some other way. Anyone who breaches the rules may additionally be subject to a fine or a prison sentence of up to two years.