Each year, companies shall report quantities of pesticides sold to the Danish EPA. Reporting shall take place digitally via the national business internet portal www.virk.dk.
Companies located abroad cannot register digitally and will therefore be sent the paper version of the reporting forms. Reporting must take place before 1 February, cf. Section 42 of the Pesticides Order.
The Danish EPA uses the data on the quantities sold to monitor the use of pesticides in Denmark. The EPA publishes this information each year in the pesticides statistics. Use this link for more information on the pesticides statistics (in Danish).
How virk.dk works
Reporting procedure:
1. Log on using the digital signature.
2. Fill in the following information: “kg/number” and “kg of active substance”.
The reporting system is designed in a way that the person reporting is guided through the procedure in a simple way.
Note that when reporting digitally a digital signature must be used.
Further assistance
If you experience problems in connecting with 'virk.dk' or with a digital signature please contact the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency’s Support & Service Helpdesk, tel. (+45) 72 20 00 39. Further help may be found on the virk.dk website.
In case of problems with reporting please contact the Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s Information Centre, tel. (+45) 72 54 40 00.
At the beginning of each year, companies will receive an invoice for payment of a duty of DKK 500 per authorised product, cf. Section 36 of the Danish Chemicals Act.