Extensive requirements apply concerning documentation, both when you apply for approval of an active substance within the EU and when you apply for authorisation of a product through the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Documentation requirements vary depending on whether you are applying for authorisation in Denmark as the country of initial application in the EU or whether you are applying for mutual recognition.
Mutual recognitionWhen the reference Member State is not Denmark, but an applicant wishes to apply for mutual recognition in Denmark, there are new requirements concerning the documentation to be submitted with the application.
Denmark as reference Member State
When Denmark is the reference Member State, a full application must be submitted to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Form and information requirements for the accompanying dossierFind information on the test requirements, stipulations on the scope of the dossier, and access to the guidelines prepared by the EU.
Additional information on documentation requirements for other types of applications is available under the menu below:
Parallel authorisations (Identical products)
Application to carry out experimental testing
Other requirements for biocidel products
All biocidal products must meet a raft of requirements. There are for example requirements concerning the label, marketing, classification, registration requirement for the product register, etc.