Environmental permits for industrial activities
Industrial installations undertaking activities listed in Annex 1 and 2 of the Order of environmental Permitting are required to operate in accordance with a permit.
The municipalities are the authority for the majority of industrial activities. However, the state is the authority for the largest and most complicated companies (marked with "s" in Annex 1 and 2)
Environmental permits for IED poultry and pig farms
Large poultry and pig farms (“IED livestock farming”) are separately covered by the Order on permits and approvals for Livestock farms. Around 1750 poultry and pig installations are covered by this order (2023).
The municipalities grant environmental permits for livestock farming.
Annex 1 industrial activities
Annex 1 covers around 675 industrial activities in Denmark (2023) and comprises activities defined by the Industrial Emissions Directive, which was transposed into Danish legislation in 2013. The permit should contain conditions set in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).
As stated above, IED livestock farming is covered by a separate order.
Annex 2 industrial activities
Installations undertaking the industrial activities listed in Annex 2 of the Order of environmental Permitting are also required to operate in accordance with a permit, but this regulation includes a simplified permitting system with less burdens. Several sectors/activities in Annex 2 (and as an exception two activities on Annex 1) are covered by standard conditions (Order on standard conditions for approval of listed activities), ensuring predictability and uniform requirements for the installations concerned and a more efficient issuing of site-specific environmental permit.
Around 4750 installations undertaking the industrial activities listed in Annex 2 are operating in accordance with a permit (2023).
Industrial activities associated with risk (Seveso)
Approximately 150 industrial sites requiring an environmental permit are also considered a to be high risk installations. These are covered by the “Order on Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances” and must comply with special requirements in relation to the prevention and management of major accidents.