Criteria for Classification

Contained use of genetically modified organisms are divided into four groups depending on the risks associated to the activity.

Contained use of genetically modified microorganisms should be carried out in such way as to limit their possible negative consequences for human health and the environment, due attention being given to the prevention of accidents and the control of wastes. 

The risk assessment will result in classification of the genetically modified organisms into one of the four risk groups. Based on the classification, containment measures should comply with the general principles and relevant containment and protection measures set out in Annex 2 in the executive order on approval of production with genetically modified organisms (In Danish).

Criteria for Classification of Genetically Modified Microorganisms

Class 1:

Activities of no or negligible risk, that is to say activities for which level 1 containment is appropriate to protect human health and the environment.

Class 2:

Activities of low risk, that is to say activities for which level 2 containment is appropriate to protect human health and the environment.

Class 3:

Activities of moderate risk, that is to say activities for which level 3 containment is appropriate to protect human health and the environment.

Class 4:

Activities of high risk, that is to say activities for which level 4 containment is appropriate to protect human health and the environment.

For more information on how the Danish Environmental Protection Agency administrates the environmental regulation regarding contained use of genetically modified organisms in research and production look at regulation.