In 2007 a new Environmental Approval Act for Livestock Holdings was put into force, an approval system that covers all livestock holding.
The authority’s administration has until 2007 been managed by the Planning Act and the Environmental protection Act, when the administration was merged in 2007, new possibilities were opened up.
The Environmental Approval Act gives the frame for approval of projects for livestock holdings and has a National minimum requirement for environmental protection for odour, ammonia, nitrates and phosphorus surplus. The authority assesses the impact of the environment together with the minimum requirement and put through public hearing.
According to the National minimum requirement a set up of a level of allowable nitrate leaching was made to all the country’s vulnerable watercourses depending on the denitrification capacity. A map was made to show the vulnerable zones.
When it comes to the Phosphorus surplus, a map was made to show vulnerable zones divided into several categories e.g. a very vulnerable area has demand on a maximum increase of phosphorous surplus and in another category an increase in the phosphorus surplus is not allowed.