Many environmental problems are inherently transboundary, for example chemicals harmful to human health. A number of international conventions and protocols are therefore the focal point of much environmental cooperation in which the Danish EPA takes part.
These conventions are either global or regional according to the nature of the environmental problem they address, and usually they are anchored in the United Nations. Furthermore, the conventions are often named after the place where they were adopted and signed.
In the Danish EPA we help manage a number of conventions on behalf of the Danish government and we take part in the negotiations preceding the adoption of an international convention or protocol.
The most important conventions that fall under the Danish EPA’s field of activity are listed below and these serve as a natural umbrella for Danish EPA environmental work.
EU Environment Action Programme
The Environment Action Programme (EAP) is the framework for the EU's overall environmental policy development. The first Environmental Action Plan was adopted in 1973 and the sixth and current EAP came into force in 2012.